Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Joining The Gaggle

So, as you have correctly assumed, I have joined the gaggle of bloggers out there. I have become one of you! Please accept me! Just kidding. But I have been thinking of starting my own blog for quite some time now and I finally have succumed to the urge. Now if only I could find my camera to add some current pictures.
The real reason, or at least the reason that pushed me over the edge, was that I wanted an outlet for my crazy, hairbrained, pregnant thoughts! I consider this my new journal so feel privileged to be reading! Ok, actually for those of you who know me, I share mostly every aspect of my life so much of this I'm sure will be a repeat. But I can type faster than I can write and I tend to have OCD and judge my own handwriting. WEIRD, I know. Does anyone else do that? Probably not. Ooohhh another good reason to blog, I can pose rhetorical questions and answer them myself! Case in point... 3 sentences ago!
Ok, on to my crazy thoughts. I am currently 31 weeks preggers (as of tomorrow, but it still counts today!) and although I have great sisters, mothers, books, and other resources around me to ask lots of questions of; I still wanted to ask my rhetorical questions, as well as perhaps get answers out of some of you blog-stalkers! So here we go... Does anyone/ did any of you ever forget at moments that you were pregnant? Is that normal? Example, laying in bed, sleeping on my back (don't worry my Dr. knows that I do and she is ok with it) I'll wake up and my fetus is sleeping so I'll go to get up and suddenly reality slaps me. SMACK, 5 across the eye! I cant sit straight up! I HAVE NO ABDOMINAL MUSCLES LEFT!!! Apparentlly I'm not a quick learner either, sad to say this has happened more than just a few times! Idiot. Another, one of my sisters warned me about this one but I didn't believe her. However, before you read on, consider this a disclaimer or your notice, I rarely edit my thoughts in real life, this blog will not be much different. Ok you were warned. My pelvis (crotch as I frequently refer to it as) is so sore. It hurts to sit or stand, and clearly I cant lay down all my life. The best description I have been able to come up with to explain it to Mitch is if feels like its broken and I can feel the bones rubbing on each other when I shift positions. Ok I am a nurse and I understand what is actually happening here, but HOLY COW BURT, it freakin' hurts. Oh and also it feels like my tailbone is broken or at least severely bruised. Now a note to any of you who feel the urge to respond, "if you think this hurts, wait to you give birth," or anything else along those lines, please resist the urge. I get it. I will experience pain I cannot fathom. All I ask is remember what it was like your first time around. As one of my friends said to me the other day, this is my rite of passage into Motherhood. It's called a rite of passage for a reason!
Well, that is good enough for now of the complaints and weird thoughts (stay tuned, more to come later). On to the positive. I cannot wait to see my little girl! I have been having dreams of her lately and have actually clearly seen her. Being pregnant has been an experience that has been completely different than I expected. I have been blessed with an easy pregnancy compared to some, but I am ready for it to be over just so I can hold her and kiss her and teach her. I always thought it was hokey when women said they loved their spawn prior to it's birth. But I am a believer now! Already she means the world to me.
On that note I will conclude this first entry. I feel like this blog will be theraputic for me. And sometimes I feel like I need a lot of therapy!


  1. ok, you are hilarious, I am so glad that you have this blog, 2 things, 1...GET SOME PICTURES OF THAT BABY BELLY ON HERE! and 2...please post more than a month at a time...I know I am slacking right now, but I dont count...haha...ok, and as for the tail bone thing, I didnt have that with Scoty, but with Rylee I totally did....and after I had Scoty I did. They figured that I had chipped the tip of my tail bone off while delivering Scoty....did you ever do anything to your tailbone before you were pregnant? Maybe that is the reason! But I hear your pain, i couldnt sit on anything very hard, and it hurt to stand up and straighten out from sitting to standing, does that make sense?? I am so excited you have this dang thing!

  2. weird, while I was commenting the look of your blog changed! haha

  3. I am so glad that you joined the blog world. Now we can keep in touch via blog.

    I never forgot that I was pregnant, because I went from a small person to a whale. So I was never able to forget. But I will say that when I am laying in bed now, I ALWAYS think, "so glad I am not pregnant, cause I couldn't lay like this and be comfy".

    I always felt like I had been punched in the crotch. It actually only went away a few weeks ago.

    My first time giving birth wasn't that bad. It sucked, but the second time was worse. Labor was worse with Georgie.

    I always feel when I am pregnant that I am not myself. Weird body, weird things happening, weird moods. It is like I am in a new body for nine months.

    When you have your baby a blog is a good way to keep track of things that happened. it is a good journal.

    K, now that I have done a blog entry of my own... I will stop.

    But I loves you!

  4. Sarah, you're hilarious. You crack me up. And you make me feel better because I always thought that you were normal, but now I know that you're similar to me! But better, somehow. Humm. No offense!

  5. Oh, Sarah, the first pregnancy is actually kinda cool, everything is new and interesting...I remember my first, lying in the tub looking at my tummy in complete awe and disbelief that that could actually be my body!! It was freaky. After 4, it palls. But it never stops hurting in weird and secret places you never knew you even had!

  6. You are too funny. I look forward to further posts!

  7. Sarah Lynn, I love you. And I am so excited to read this lovely blog of yours and appreciate your sarcastic humor on a regular basis. Which reminds me... I need to update soon too. dnag it, life is passing me by....

    I totally had a sore tailbone, which was brutal, but went away right after Nixon was born. I have never been so grateful to lie down to sleep at night as I am now. It is sheer bliss to be able to lie down and feel COMFORTABLE! Just look forward to that...

  8. The best part of your 'rant' is that we can all totally visualize you saying all of this. Good work.
