Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ole Biddies

Ok, so my newest annoyance is the stinkin' old women at work who are so ornery. Is there any reason for this you ask? NOPE, NONE AT ALL. grrr sometimes I just want to scream and ask them why they are so miserable. Alas, I know this will get me nowhere and the answers I seek I already know. I think I'd be miserable too if I was still working in my late 60's. However, I feel like this is a personal choice for most. Once I calm down I think that perhaps they are just not self-aware enough to realize their tone or how cutting their words are. I become sad for people who are so grouchy in life and no longer enjoy existence, and know no joy. That being said, I think I can take these angry women and use them as examples. An example of what I never want to become. There are times in life where we can all be cutting and harsh with our tones. This is a particular challenge of mine. Mitch has said to me on occasion, (more often than I would like to admit) "can you say that nicer to me". Suddenly I realize that it is not necessarily what I have said that has done damage, but the way in which I deliver it. Moral of the story, don't become an 'Ole Biddie'!


  1. Soon, there will be no cranky old women, just a cranky baby. lol.

    So today when I was going to the bathroom...

  2. ole crack me up! Stop it with your cunning words!
